Friday, April 26, 2024

Lesson 49

 Today's classes were all cut short, due to capstone presentations, so our lesson was short too.

We did a quick check-in - thinking about some food connected to feeling/tradition/ceremony/family that is connected to our families.

We then read the text, up to the middle of page 56.

HMWRK: Continue note taking

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Lesson 48

 Students connected in small groups to go over their notes (still in their preliminary stages).

We circled up - checked in - and readers read wonderfully!

We have read up to page 50 - additional materials for today's reading include:


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Lesson 47

 Students are continuing their notes, though many need encouragement to feel comfortable putting first impressions, and personal connections, onto the pages (we will be able to add more and more over the coming classes)

We got into a circle, and did a quick check-in - then read up to pg 38 in the text.

We also listened to "Sisters" as students worked on notes. 

It is essential that students be present for current discussions, or their understanding of the work will be seriously hampered.


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Lesson 46

 Clips used today:

Today we started with a brief circle check-in - students mentioned something they found interesting/engaging/surprising/confusing about the text, or their feeling about it.

We talked briefly about pieces of the past few pages that might connect to the value of Indigenous Matriarchy, then read Smokescreens to page 20.

We then moved outside to read Sisters to page 29, after which students were given a bit of time to discuss and take notes in their values packages WHICH SHOULD BE CONTINUED FOR HMWRK - with quotes an page numbers - on a daily basis.


Monday, April 22, 2024

Lesson 45

 Today's class was both an exciting, and a challenging one - We began to actually read the ceremony of Kamloopa itself.

We began with "Love Letters to Kamloopa," and continued from there, through to the bottom of page 13.

Students are taking notes (on a handout) on a number of the values represented in the play (WITH PAGE NUMBERS) and will continue to add to those notes throughout our reading.

HOMEWORK: Add to your notes, wherever you can. Re-read (and perhaps re-read again) what we went over today - and try to let go of your assumptions about time/space/rules governing those concepts. A we continue to engage with this work, keep in mind the unit inquiry question: "How is self-representation a powerful means of fostering justice?"

Trust the process. Different students will have different levels of connection to the work, and different challenges when seeking to make meaning of the text. Return to the question. Think about the values presented. Let go of assumptions about what theatre should be, and consider with this ceremony is depending on audience/cast etc.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Lesson 44

 We watched this TED talk - about the challenges of engaging in honest conversation with other - due to serious issues in Western/North American culture.

We began compiling a list (back of previous sheet) of ways in which KSH is decolonizing theatre - We will continue to add to this - everyone should keep a thorough list.

We talked about some of the language - including profanity, and language that might be considered "crude" to some - what place it has in a classroom - in a school - in culture...and the connection between the representation of these characters and decolonization --> some students are still working through the complexity of these connections/ideas

No additional homework

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Lesson 43

Today we jumped right into the circle. 

We read the forward to the text, by Lindsay Lachance, and shared impressions. 

We mixed up seating, and shared more impressions.

We took turns reading parts of "Fire Zine" out loud, and stopped after the list of values under what "Indigenous Matriarchy means."

Students then returned to their seats, and continued filling their notes on the back side of their indigenization/decolonization sheet  - "Ways in which Harvey is decolonizing both the experience of her play and the theatre creation experience."

Lesson 49

 Today's classes were all cut short, due to capstone presentations, so our lesson was short too. We did a quick check-in - thinking abou...